Where I Lived and What I Lived For

 I enter this venture for purely selfish reasons. The first is simple – I love to write. The second reason is as simple as the first, I love to collect the ideas and words of others.

You may recognize the title of this section, “Where I lived and what I lived for” as a selection from Thoreau’s Walden. The choice tells a lot about me. First, I fell in love with Thoreau’s writings while in high school and have re-read them many times over the decades. Second is that I have had to control the impulse to not correct the unforgivable error of ending that sentence in a preposition. Third, I have tried to live my life deliberately, guided by a set of ethics and beliefs that have sometimes altered the journey and set me on a path that was not always well trod.

So, even though the world is not clamoring for yet another unknown writer sitting at a desk and adding digital ink to electronic paper, here I am.