A Note from a Union Guy

This holiday brought to you by those of us who have paid our dues, negotiated contracts, argued in court or walked picket lines so that you might have fair wages, paid holidays, health care, paid family leave, safe working conditions, and reasonable work hours. You are welcome.

5 Monuments

Five Monuments in Chapel Hill: Silent Sam (center), Freedom Riders (top left), African American Cemetery (top right), Unsung Founders (bottom left); Dean Smith's Headstone (Bottom Right) On one visit to Chapel Hill, NC, home to my beloved Tar Heels, I discovered five monuments to its history (pictured above). I believe that they tell an history… Continue reading 5 Monuments

Civil Rights

Focus: “The post-war era marked a period of unprecedented energy against the second class citizenship accorded to African Americans in many parts of the nation. Resistance to racial segregation and discrimination with strategies such as civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts, "freedom rides," and rallies received national attention as newspaper, radio, and television reporters… Continue reading Civil Rights


Focus: In the1700s Europe experienced an intellectual movement called the Age of Enlightenment. During this time, leading thinkers started relying more on science than religion, which advanced the understanding of the Rights of Man as well as natural world. This thinking created a conflict between liberal democracy (all men are created equal) and an economy… Continue reading Revolution